
01 Mar, 2016


Alina Anderson

Body Shacker of the Week : Kerry Flynn

"It's great to look back to see how far I've come"
"You'd really love to start exercising but feel like you have to get fit first?... False...everyone has to start's better to start as soon as you can and get fitter and stronger along the way....nothing is more rewarding than looking back to see how far you've come."

Why do you like coming to Beach ICE?

It’s a group activity. It pushes me to do exercise. I wouldn't normally do it on my own. It's a really good way to see improvement....when I first started I could only manage 1/2 rounds, walking (instead of running) and 1/2 the amount of reps - now I'm running and completing's great to look back now and see all my changes. It's also so good to see how everyone else has improved too. They've all got good form and look strong - it's very motivating.

What's your favourite exercise?

Water burpees - they're so much fun! I also love water running with hands behind my head & being challenged to stay upright and not fall over when smacked with a wave hahaha. I've spent a long time exercising solitary so I love anything that involves partner work.

Least Favourite?

Running up any kind of sand hill.....and definitely frog jumps!

Why would you recommend Beach ICE to others?/Any advice you can give to others?

You'll definitely see improvement in fitness levels in such a short time. There's lots of variety. It's only 30 minutes so you can really go for it. It gets you started for the day. Alina is very encouraging and always makes sure there's lots of variety. I love it when she organises our special "surprise" workouts with a secret location.

Just come and give it a go. The group is very motivating and encouraging. Your fitness will improve, you'll have a really good time with a great group of people.

If you'd like to have fun, join an amazing group of like minded people, and experience the same benefits as Kerry, click on the link below. All levels and abilities are most welcomed.

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