Do you ever feel at times that no matter how hard you work at staying consistent with your nutrition - eating the right foods at the right time, and working hard at every training session yet you feel your weight is taking forever to budge?
You're older and your weight is not shifting like it used to...
You’re going through menopause, you're almost exhausted and ready to give up.
Budging that bulge is the most frustrating thing ever - you've tried everything!
Then all of a sudden, things start to change and fall into place...all those right foods eaten at the right time, training smarter not harder and most of all being consistent (especially on the days you don't feel like it)
All add up....
Being consistent always pays off - no matter how great or crappy you feel - you keep going, because eventually you push through to the other side...
That's where the magic happens. The meals eaten and the workouts done over a period of time consistently is where the body starts to respond and add up.
The results are never about one meal, one workout or one week. The full story is the weeks of:
- Staying consistent - keeping accountable and working hard on the days you don't feel like it.
- Making sure you eat well even though at times you feel like a big bloated puffer fish (and remind yourself that the off days don't last).
- Making sure you don’t stop on the days when you’re feeling off - dig that little bit deeper...
All of a sudden the good, the bad & the ugly come together and before you know it you’ve reached the other side.
You’re so proud that you pushed through and those off days all of a sudden are forgotten...this is where the true magic is.
If you’d like to get results like mine, inbox me for further details.