
14 Jan, 2023

You're Never Too Old To Fit Back Into Your Clothes

Alina Anderson

How good is it to fit back into your old clothes again....yes, even at 50!

And supposedly it's harder to do they say when going through menopause...

Honestly menopause is really an excuse most women use and hide behind, as deep down they don't know what to do - they can see their bodies changing and they’re at their wits end of trying to shift their stubborn weight and getting back the body they had years ago.

All those years of dieting in the past, not eating, the skipping breakfasts, the 3pm sugar hit and the wines at the end of the day....sound familiar?...these are the culprits!

It eventually catches up to you - and it's usually around menopausal age....not because of menopause itself..

So don't let this weigh you down any further...

You can turn it around and get your body back...

Knowing what to eat and when, training harder not smarter and being consistent not just on the good days but the crappy ones too - these are 3 key things to shifting that middle age bulge...

No magic potions, no super dooper fat burning supplement, no diet pills, no counting calories, macros or diet printouts.

Just the right food, the right type of exercise and consistency - that's it.

If you’re wanting those results and shift that stubborn menopausal bulge, inbox me for further details.

Inspiration Weight Loss Menopause

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