
19 Apr, 2021

Return to Fame

Alina Anderson

Lights, camera & action....

No matter what challenges were thrown her way, it wasn't enough to derail this amazing lady's focus, drive or commitment to achieving her goal...

Returning to the bright lights & stage after 14yrs absence as a professional performer was a huge goal for Alison, not just for performing on stage, but to completely look and feel her ultimate best as "Tanya", the sultry & sexy siren in Mumma Mia.

And what a complete knock out she was!!!....

"Back in 2019, a friend suggested that I come along to her beach training sessions.
“You’ll love it!” she enthused. The words ‘beach’ and ‘training’ have never been two of my favourite words. Throw in a 6am start and I was dubious to say the least!

But then I met Alina Anderson.

Her effervescence, joy of life and never-say-die attitude are infectious and I soon found myself looking forward to Beach ICE sessions, long after my friend had left. Working out on the beach has massive advantages – fresh air, lots of space and even the occasional whale sighting. The half hour was intensive but fun and over before you knew it. I would then go on to my day job with a spring in my step, knowing that I had started the day well.

I then began FIRE training with Alina in the gym – a more focussed weights workout that is tailored exactly to my specifications. I had a goal and I knew that Alina was the woman to help me achieve it. After many years, I had decided to once again tread the boards and to do so, I needed to get in shape. Alina knew what I needed, how I wanted to look and, most importantly, how to help me get there.

Combining both FIRE and ICE sessions was ideal and I could feel rather than see my body changing. Things were going swimmingly until Covid-19 hit and our beach training ground and the gym were both off limits. Alina re-aligned herself very quickly and started the sessions on Zoom. Both the ICE and FIRE sessions were conducted in this new way and I thrived. I loved being able to continue my weights at home with the reassuring voice of Alina on the iPad. To keep connected at this time of uncertainty was all-important and the feelings of strength and confidence grew.

When restrictions finally lifted, I opted to stay on Zoom and Alina happily agreed. Through injuries (knee, foot), pre-existing conditions (vertigo) and just plain laziness, Alina always knew how to motivate me, when to treat me kindly and when to make me push through my moods. It wasn’t just the physical either – she knew how to make me feel more confident, how to show me that the scales aren’t the only measure of success and that at the end of the day, older women CAN be strong! Thanks Alina - I am so happy I came to the beach that morning!"

So proud of this amazing Super Trooper Dancing Queen - watching her shining up there on stage, looking absolutely fantastic, and completely nailing "Tanya" in Mumma Mia was the ultimate reward any coach could as for...her standing ovation said it all.

Inspiration Performance Beach ICE FIRE - The Body Shaper

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