
14 Jan, 2023

Shift Menopause Bulge & Get Your Energy Back

Alina Anderson

Are you waking up in the middle of the night & can't get back to sleep?...except for when the alarm is just about to go off?

Losing your mojo?

Not sleeping and lying awake for hours in the middle of the night?

Struggling to get up in the morning and exercise?

Hitting the 3pm slump?

...and the next day is a repeat of the day before?

All sound familiar?

Welcome to the menopause club!

One of the most common questions I hear is 'how can I get my mojo back, I'm sure there's something wrong with me; I just don't have the drive or energy I used to have'

Secondly is the change in sleeping patterns - I should say lack/broken sleep through the night.

How many of you lie awake in the middle of the night for hours on end only to fall back asleep just before your alarm goes off...argh!

You're so sleep deprived - it's like going back in time to when your babies were little and you struggled to get through the sleepless nights.

Argh!!...I’m totally with you!

So many women experience the same symptoms so you're not alone.

Going through menopause myself these last 10 years and experiencing MANY rough patches, I have found what really helps is:

  • Following a structured weights program - working hard in all sessions...a tip here is to go hard on the days you feel great and dig a little deeper on the days that you don't - it's the days you don't feel like going are the ones that truly make a difference....the endorphin hit achieved after a training session is an instant pick me up...I always feel better after I've finished (and you’ll thank yourself later)
  • Eating well - after many consultations with women over the last 13 years I have found most skip breakfast. This is one of the worst thing you can do to lose weight, in fact it slows down fat loss. Many skip breakfast and opt for a coffee on the go, have a light snack mid morning and probably a salad for lunch. Then the dreaded 3pm slump sets in and the sugar demons arise. You come home from a hard day's work, have a couple of wines to wind down then sit down to a huge meal because you are starving. You may even have dessert or more snacks afterwards? Does this sound familiar?

The problem here is you are eating too much food at the wrong end of the day leaving you full and not hungry when you wake in the mornings, thus skipping breakfast and repeating the cycle all over again....

Want to turn this around, shift your tummy bulge, get your energy back & feel more energised? Exciting news launching very soon - strictly limited numbers, inbox for further details.

Inspiration Weight Loss Menopause

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