
11 Feb, 2020


Alina Anderson

Why your thoughts are sabotaging your results.

You’ve been working your butt off, eating really well yet not seeing results.

How long do you wait?

1 week, 3 weeks?

You know it’s going to take time, but come on…you just want it now!

Friends are getting faster results and they’re not even working nowhere near as hard.

How do you cope when you’re feeling like this?

Well, there’s 2 choices….choose to give in and continue on the yo-yo cycle OR choose to block out the noise, focus on your goal and remind yourself of your WHY!

Sounds easy hey!! Then how come so many others feel the same way as you?

It’s how we look at it…if you’re focusing on how hard it is to get results and how they’re just not happening quick enough no matter what you do, then this is exactly what you’ll get. This is the where the problem is….your thoughts!! Your thoughts create your reality….if you’re focusing on how hard everything is, that’s exactly what you’ll always get….hard!


If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Have you checked on what you say to yourself when you catch yourself wishing for those faster, quicker results? Your self talk can either lift you up or pull you down. Are you lifting yourself, or are you dragging yourself down? Once we change what we focus on, change our language and believe results will happen, maybe not overnight, but it will happen….this will have a huge impact on your outcome.

All results begin with a decision to change.

How bad you want it determines your outcome!

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