P 0416 784 686

Sarah's Story

Meeting Sarah in her broken state, and where her life at the time seemed to be at her absolute lowest, made Sarah reach out and seek help that she desperately needed in getting healthy both physically and mentally.

Having just completed her second round of Metabolic Precision program, Sarah’s results have been not only amazing but also life changing.

"I have been training with Alina just under a year now and I can't believe how much has changed in that time!

Due to her unwavering support, her ability to help you find the positives, her nurturing yet no excuses, no nonsense attitude, and my determination, I have been able to find my way to a better me. I understand now, after my second MP program, that as long as I have my 'why' and keep that in the front of my mind I can achieve great things!

The physical change to my body has been great and I am proud of that, but the biggest and most important change I see is in my attitude, and that is all thanks to Alina. Life is never perfect and nor am I, but now if life gets in the way and I go off track, I no longer wait for life to get better, or for Monday so I can 'start over'. Instead remember why I'm doing this and I put the bad choice behind me and make sure my next choice is a good one. Proud to say the number of times I make bad choices is getting fewer.

My weight gain over the last 6 years has been due to our struggle to start a family. I am generally a healthy person, especially when trying to conceive or when I'm pregnant, but over the years I have turned to food and wine to get through fertility issues, 5 miscarriages, and the still birth of our daughter. Short bursts of bad choices over those years led me to gaining between 10-15 kilos and going up two dress sizes.

My 'why' is totally driven by my want to bring a child/children into the world and to be a good example to my nephew. He was only 8 years old last year when he watched me go through the devastating loss of my daughter at 20 weeks gestation and he watched me grieve and use food and wine to cope. I knew he was sensitive to what I was going through and knew I was setting a bad example for him so I wanted to do better for us both. I wanted him to know that when life knocks you down you don't turn to food or alcohol to help you up, instead you find the strength within you. I am proud that I can be a more positive influence on him now.

Thank you Alina for helping me change my life!"

Contact ALINA ANDERSON : 0416 784 686

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